ECU Summer School on Campus


Join ECU for Summer 2025!

May 19th through August 1st

Drop Off Childcare Available!

The Darden Drop Off Child Care (DOCC) is a university affiliated drop-off childcare program located on East Carolina University’s campus in the Nancy Darden Center. The DOCC at Darden is designed to help parents (faculty, staff, and students), by providing childcare during the evening. The Darden DOCC will be open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Monday-Thursday.

Experience Summer the ECU Way.

Summer school enrollment at ECU is part of an essential strategy for helping you complete your degree requirements on time or early.  Semester credits for general education and major-specific courses can be earned during two five-week sessions or over an 11-week session throughout the summer months.  Summer courses carry the same credit and quality as fall/spring semester classes and help many students to finish in four (undergraduates completing four-year degrees), saving them time and money.

Need Credits? Make Your Summer Count by Enrolling with ECU.

You can earn as many as seven semester hours of credit in just five weeks during a summer session. With more than 1,000 courses offered during the summer, you can find the classes you need while enjoying a manageable schedule with an intensive format and outstanding faculty. Many students like the fact they can focus on a single subject if needed while others pursue summer research, internships or international study abroad. There’s a wide selection of classes and experiences awaiting you in summer at ECU.